Pizza Hut offers to print resumes on pizza boxes to help jobseekers find work

Restaurant chain wants to 'help the applicant make a lasting impression'

Employees doubtful employers can deliver EVP promises: Gartner

New survey shows only a third believe their employer can consistently deliver

Over half of C-suite executives expect more deepfake financial fraud: Deloitte

'In the years ahead, it'll become more critical for organisations to both identify and address deepfake risks,' says expert

Following employee’s death, Bank of America introduces timekeeping tool

Company's 80-hour cap on weekly hours said to be ignored by managers

Breaking the rules: Younger employees more comfortable with it to 'get the job done'

New survey highlights 'complexity of fostering strong ethical cultures'

Amazon orders full office return starting January 2025

'We continue to believe that the advantages of being together in the office are significant,' says CEO

ILO releases new guide on Convention No. 160

New guide outlines benefits of ratifying convention on labour statistics

Employers 'cautiously optimistic' about hiring for Q4: ManpowerGroup

Demand for tech talent high as AI 'top of mind' for businesses

Why are so few business travellers using travel apps?

Despite companies promoting newer tools, few employees take advantage of safety benefits: survey


HR heads from AbsenceSoft, PwC, Sweetwater, and Tricentis reveal how they're meeting employees' needs


'What people want from their employer is very relevant,' says Alison Scott, chief people officer

Viral Nation's SVP of people on the role of neuroscience and psychology in HR leadership


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